Download Pc Games FEZ (FULL VERSION)

11 years ago

Description:  Fez is a 2012 puzzle platform game developed by indie developer Polytron Corporation and produced by Polytron, Trapdoor, and M...




Fez is a 2012 puzzle platform game developed by indie developer Polytron Corporation and produced by Polytron, Trapdoor, and Microsoft Studios. It is a 2D game set in a 3D world, as the two-dimensional player-character receives a fez that reveals a third dimension and consequently tears the fabric of his universe. Fez's puzzles are built around the core mechanic of rotating between four 2D views of a 3D space, as four sides around a cube, where the environment realigns between views to create new paths. 


Minimum System Requirements

Operating System: WindowsVista/7/8 
Processor: Intel Pentium IV 2.0 Ghz
Memory Ram: 1Gb 
Hard Drive: 1 gb 
Videocard Memory: 128 mb Gb Ati Radeon or Nvidia 
DirectX Version: 9.0c or higher 

Download Link (552 Mb) 

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